Treatment Process


Prior to your treatment, you will have a consultation in order to discuss what results you would like to achieve from your microblading treatment. This will establish an outcome, style and shape that you want to achieve whether it be brows, lash enhancement, eye liner or lips.

We will do this by showing you what results you can expect, to give you a very clear idea about the outcome. You will also be provided with some reading material to understand the procedure as thoroughly as possible.

A patch test will also be performed to establish if you react in any adverse ways to either the pigment or the anaesthetic cream used.  Most people have no reaction.

This consultation will also determine what the most suitable process is for you, which could range from full eyebrow shaping to brow enhancement, eye liner, lip liner etc or just a colour top up for those who have undergone microblading before.


While undergoing microblading at The Microblading Clinic we use a strong anaesthetic cream so no need to worry about the pain.

The initial treatment including consultation will take between 90 and 160 minutes dependant on which treatment you choose, with your follow-up procedure between four and six weeks later lasting around 60 minutes.  The lifespan of a treatment is explained in the Treatments Available area.


On completion of your microblading treatment, you will be given information on how best to care for the area concerned to ensure that you retain optimum results. This may include refraining from touching, rubbing or scratching the area and avoiding intense heat or cold which can cause some pigmentation to be lost whilst they heal.